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  “垦利黄河口杯”中国书画名家邀请赛邀稿启示(代邀请函) (英文版)         ★★★
[ 作者:佚名    转贴自:本站原创    点击数:6101    更新时间:2006-06-13    文章录入:admin ]

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        Tours  the mysterious Yellow River estuary
scenic spot and historic resort   Television
station direct seeding award 
Kenli Yellow River estuary cup” the
Chinese calligraphy and painting famous
expert invitational tournament
Dongying municipal party committee Secretary
 Shi Jun, Mayor Liu Guoxin, Kenli County entrusts
Secretary Chen Zepu, County  Magistrate Tian Zhi 
Ying to invite the domestic and foreign calligraphy
and painting famous expert to tour sincerely
 the creation to the Yellow River estuary
Ancient Yellow River  is Chinese nation's placeof origin,
she has bred 5000 remaining years of life motherland history of
civilization. Shandong Province's Kenli County is precisely  the
Yellow river estuary. On this piece of length and breadth elegant
land, the cattle and  the minerals are in groups rich. Here is the republic youngest land, is the Yellow River economical belt and the
link Bohai Sea economical  belt intersection point. his time “cultivates the favorable
Yellow River  estuary cup” the Chinese calligraphy and painting famous expert invitational tournament  is for better unfolds the Yellow River estuary mysterious nature sight and the unique folk
custom culture, lets the whole nation and even the world people knew
the YellowRiver estuary, understands Kenli County, feels the Yellow River estuary the enchanting  scenery and the folk custom culture.   

   Sponsor unit: the Dongying city government, the victory petroleum administrative bureau, the Shandong culture art research institute, the Shandong Province hard pen calligrapher
association, the Shandong Province calligraphyand painting art appraisal committee, the Dongying cultural federation, the Kenli County  government, units and so on Shandong  culture art
center  unite the sponsor.

   Solicitation content: Drawing work: Traditional Chinese painting
and oil painting;  Hard pen calligraphy work: The artistic calligraphy work, the seal cutting, carves characters, works and so on micro book intricate carvings. The participant needs to hand over two works.
Please use the pencil to mark author's name, the sex, the age, the
unit of work, the contact method at the back of the work. The game in "Chinese Calligraphy and painting Information" in the website issued
sends the manuscript, the appraisal  and the prize situation.
Appraisal committee and award item: The appraisal committee members are the domestic renowned painter-calligraphers. Praises Yellow River and the Yellow River estuary scenery drawing work and the calligraphy work can first win an award .Sets up first award 10, second prize 20, third prize 30, the honorable mention several names. Issues for the winner the awarding cup and the certificate. At the same time, the prize-winner will participate by the Central Committee Television sponsors “Yellow River to enter the ocean ” the literary party and the
Chinese calligraphy and painting famous expert invitational tournament promulgation congress. This  game all participative author completely free.      

Solicitation time: On June 1, 2006 - on July  15,2006
Address: Jinan six mile mountain road 3  Zip       
  code: 250002  The Shandong Province calligraphy and painting 
art           appraisal  committee office receives

  Telephone: 0531-82735039  86661777  86611206

 Website: "Chinese  Calligraphy  and  painting Information"net  

         "Shandong Culture Art Research institute"  
net  http://

 Email:   22906504@163.COM

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